Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oh, Happy Day!

Blake still is running a low grade fever, but is feeling much better. Tomorrow we will go back to school.

I got a phone call from a teacher at my school saying that one of the kids in my class withdrew. It is a kid who was retained last year, a cry baby, a bully, just a pain in the butt. He pouts every day. He complains every day. He yells "you are the meanest teacher ever" every day. Now, he is going to a new school. I am a little bummed since I didn't get a chance to say good-bye to him, but not too upset.

Does that make me a bad teacher? No. Everyone has someone that they would like to not see anymore, and he happens to be mine! He can be super sweet, but it is a rarity. I will miss him.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Fevers suck. Yesterday morning, I woke up, started the shower went to the restroom and in walked Blake. His ears and cheeks were bright red. I took his temperature and it was 101.7. I turned off the shower, gave him Motrin and put in for a sub. He did OK with Motrin and was great all day. After his shower before bed, his fever was 101. I gave him some Motrin and put him to bed. That was 7:30. At 9:45, I went in to check on him and his temp was 102.7! I looked in the medicine cabinet, and NO TYLENOL! What??? At 10:30, the temp was down to 101.9, but still 3 hours should be enough time for Motrin to work. I sent Joe to HEB and Blake slept with us last night. Finally his fever broke around 12:30 and we were set for the night. I set the alarm to check on him at 3 and he was still ok. But by 6:45, the fever was back to 102.9. Gave him tylenol and lots of water.

We went to the doctor and he has the beginnings of an ear infection. Sh gave me a prescription, but didn't want me to fill it unless he goes 2 more days with fever or complains of pain. I got the prescription filled just in case. He is acting normal but when that fever comes back, he is so lethargic. If he is still feeling bad in the morning, I am starting the meds.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

3 year old bully

Who knew a 3 year old could be a bully? Blake has been at this daycare since January 2009. He has been bitten 4 times or so, and within the last week, had 2 broken skin scratches. Today when I got there, he had a scratch on his cheek. I asked him what happened and he told me that T scratched him. I went to the director and just wanted to show her. I didn't want an explanation, I just wanted her to know. She said to me, "I wasn't outside so you need to talk to the teachers that are out there. You know last week when it happened, they were playing 'monsters' and I talked to Blake about it. He gets really defensive when A-L-L-I-E is involved or plays with someone else." (Allie is Blake's "girlfriend" at school. he does not like it when she plays with anyone else.) She also asked me if Blake told anyone that it happened. I told her no, because Blake said he didn't.

Joe emailed the director last spring when Blake had been bit 3 times in a 2 week period, and her response was, "the kids just don't have their language skills yet, so this is their way of communicating. This really is a good time for Blake to become empowered and use his words." Really???? Is it your 3 year old who is being bit multiple times by the same kid???

Last year, T's mom was a teacher at my school, and when I talked to her, she would say things like, "well, when I got there today, Blake was pretending to shoot T", and "I really can't do anything about it because he does it at school" or "I don't know what else to do, I can't even put the kids in the car by each other in the car because T starts hitting his baby (infant) sister as soon as I put them in".

Am I over-reacting? I love this daycare, but really don't like this kid. Who knew you could dis-like a 3 year old so much???

Monday, January 18, 2010


This weekend, Blake did not nap. He seemed OK. Went to bed early-ish (for the weekend). Woke up early. Today we headed out about 11:45 for lunch and then to Wal-Mart. It was crazy! Blake was so exhausted that he melted down in Wal-Mart. He wanted a toy, which I usually don't let him choose one, but I told him he could get one. Everything he picked out was over ten bucks. Sorry kid. I tried the usual distractions, but nothing worked. Poor thing had hives around his eyes (like mommy) from crying. He was asleep within 3 minutes in the car. I got home and tried to just put him to bed, but he cried and cried that he wanted me to stay with him. I stayed for a few minutes and he passed out! I got the house cleaned while he was napping and now I am just relaxing until I have to get up to start dinner.

Tomorrow, I go back to work. I am certainly ready for a real work week and ready to get back into the swing of things with the kids. I was out of the room 3 days last week and the kids really suffered. Blake had pink eye on Monday, I tested kids on Tuesday, and then Blake had a dentist appointment on Wednesday. Thursday was rough on all of us at school, and Friday was a bit better. We'll see how it goes this week.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Pink Eye

This morning was running so smooth. I got up and in the shower and was ready by 5:30--which is about 20 minutes earlier than usual. I go in, wake up Blake, get his clothes out and head to the kitchen to start his lunch. About 5 minutes later I go in and his right eye is crusted shut and the left is gooey. Gross. I got him up and cleaned his eyes thinking I would be able to still go to work. I got the drops out, put them in and then really get a good look at his eyes. No way will daycare let me leave him, so at 5:45, I put in for a sub and called the Kinder lead. I hate it. I am going to be out of the room tomorrow for testing and Blake has a dentist appointment on Wednesday, so Thursday should be very interesting! I am not looking forward to it, but I also am not canceling his appointment since I have had it over a month.