I guess if I said not much has happened in the last 2 months I would be telling a story. School is going great, Blake is great, things at home are fine. Our washer is on the fritz. First, it would not run cold water, and then it stopped spinning. Joe replaced the part to make the water run, and now we are "helping" the washer spin. When it gets to the spin cycle, we start spinning it and eventually the pulley takes over. It's not fun. But it beats going to the washateria. We will probably get a new washer in the next 2 months or so, but we can't get one right now.
Trick or treating was so much fun on Friday. Joe and I agree that there was something missing, so we have begun to have a bit of baby fever again. Maybe we will start trying again in the spring.
We have been inconsistently putting Blake in underwear on the weekends. Friday night in the tub, he jumped up and said he had to pee. I put him on the toilet, and he peed. So, yesterday, I put him in underwear all day! He was dry from 8:45-2:30, had a poop accident, then napped, and was dry from 5 until 9. He actually peed on the potty last night too! This morning after breakfast, I put him on the toilet and told him to go pee-pee, and he did it! I am so excited! He is growing up so fast!!!
Blake has been dressing himself, putting socks and trying to put shoes on. He asked to go in the backyard jsut a few minutes ago, so I told him he needed to get dressed and he came out in shorts, a shirt, socks and shoes in hand. He is trying to get the shoe on now. He has just started, within the month or so, being really interested in dressing himself. He is very serious about it now!