I have wanted to get an Advent Calendar for Blake, but didn't want a cheap-o one, so I googled "advent calendar" and came across a blog that is very crafty. I found what I thought was an easy, quick calendar. I bought the materials and got started yesterday while Blake napped. I worked on it for almost 6 hours last night, and have been working on it an hour today. I am more than half way finished, but still have about 8 pockets left to do. I HAVE to have it finished by tomorrow. It will be done, and I will post pictures.
Thanksgiving was nice. We went to my grandma's in Killeen, and I forgot the camera. Poki took some family pictures, and we'll see if I get them before Blake turns 5. I still don't have all of our wedding pictures.
***Here is the finished project! I only need the buttons.

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