Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Fevers suck. Yesterday morning, I woke up, started the shower went to the restroom and in walked Blake. His ears and cheeks were bright red. I took his temperature and it was 101.7. I turned off the shower, gave him Motrin and put in for a sub. He did OK with Motrin and was great all day. After his shower before bed, his fever was 101. I gave him some Motrin and put him to bed. That was 7:30. At 9:45, I went in to check on him and his temp was 102.7! I looked in the medicine cabinet, and NO TYLENOL! What??? At 10:30, the temp was down to 101.9, but still 3 hours should be enough time for Motrin to work. I sent Joe to HEB and Blake slept with us last night. Finally his fever broke around 12:30 and we were set for the night. I set the alarm to check on him at 3 and he was still ok. But by 6:45, the fever was back to 102.9. Gave him tylenol and lots of water.

We went to the doctor and he has the beginnings of an ear infection. Sh gave me a prescription, but didn't want me to fill it unless he goes 2 more days with fever or complains of pain. I got the prescription filled just in case. He is acting normal but when that fever comes back, he is so lethargic. If he is still feeling bad in the morning, I am starting the meds.