Saturday, August 28, 2010

First Week of School

This week went great! Blake has been a trooper, just going along with what's happening, and learning the new routine. I have to say that I love, love, LOVE having him right down the hall. It has cut about 25 minutes off my morning commute, and about 35 in the afternoon. And, I am able to work a little later, not worrying that he's been away from me too long. Only con is that he wants to eat cafeteria lunches every day. He has a calendar, and wants to check it every morning to see what is for lunch. I got the letter today saying we were DENIED for free or reduced lunch, and I am really sad about it. $2.25 for lunch and $1.25 for breakfast get expensive pretty quick. I knew we wouldn't qualify for it, but didn't know he would enjoy eating from the cafe so much!

My class has been amazing. I have 14 little sweeties, and 1 little girl with big attitude. She tantrumed yesterday because she had an accident. I kind of lost it, and told her, "Everyone of us has peed in our pants before. Do you think I cry when it happens? You are 5 and in Kindergarten, we don't cry like that. Dry your eyes, and take care of your business and meet us in the cafeteria." I felt bad, but really? You think you can scream at me to go get your back pack??? how it works.

My days are long, but the only frustration I have had is with adults in our hall. There is a teacher who I will call Ms. Lippy--you know--from Billy Madison? OMG! I can see my self punching her in the face EVERY DAY!!!!! She called me a genius because--get this--I KNOW HOW TO PLUG A PHONE IN. She couldn't figure out how to put the cord into the back of the phone. She jammed it in sideways. Really???? I should just blog for a week all the wonderful things she does. Maybe I will do that next week. Should be interesting.


Anonymous said...

In her defense, I would cry if I peed in my pants. :)

Jennifer B. said...

Take Blake to the grocery store with you and let him pick out something special to pack in his lunch, something you never let have.... candy or something. You don't have to include it all the time but just so he knows packing lunch can be yummy and fun too!