Sunday, November 7, 2010

Week 5 Day 2

Today, I participated in my 2nd workout of Week 5 of the C25K by completing a 5k run/walk benefiting the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. My great work friends and Joe were there to cheer me on. Carolyn is training for a Marathon, and decided to be my running buddy and we ran together. I ran as long as I could, stopped for a wonderful potty break behind an industrial dumpster, walked a bit, and sprinted (well, at least a sprint for me) to the finish line. It was a great feeling to run full stride the last 1/8 mile and hear my friends cheer for me to finish strong. My time was 45 minutes 11 seconds. I couldn't have asked for a better partner while running. She talked me through my pain, told me when to regulate my breathing, drop my shoulders and let me stop when I needed to. Who knew I could run 90% of it with only 13 "trainings" before hand? I am super excited and can't wait for the next one with no walking breaks or potty breaks!

And, yesterday, I turned 32.

My mother-in-law asked how my "telethon" went. Yesterday, we found out that dad-in-law has been using some horse cream for his muscle spasms, and taking the small, white pain killers he got from the same friend. Oh how I love them!

My mom, on the other hand, said she would come, but backed out last minute, then went to IKEA!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

4 days to 5k

My birthday is in 3 days. I will be 32. I am running a 5k on Sunday--it's just 4 days away. I planned on running at least 4 days this week, but Monday, I felt, well, pooped. Yesterday it was raining as I stepped outside, and today Joe has school. So here I am, 4 days away, and haven't run in as many. Tomorrow I am getting new shoes and I am super stoked. I WILL run tomorrow and at least on Saturday. I am going to try to do Friday also, but not sure.

When I decided to do the Susan G. Komen 5k with Fabuleslie I excitedly told my mom. She said, "Wow! That's the day after your birthday and I will be there." Tonight, I told her I was starting at 7:30 and she said, "Oh, I can't come that early." Unfortunately, Fabuleslie may not be able to run with me.

I tracked my Saturday run, and in about 31 minutes, I ran 2.53 miles. That came down to about a 12:14 minute mile. I should be done in under 4k minutes! Then, it's out to breakfast!