Monday, October 3, 2011

L&D visit #1

Friday night, I went to bed late--after 11.  I woke up at 12:45 when Joe came to bed, and then I couldn't go back to sleep.  I was having contractions fairly regularly, so I got up at 3:30 to start timing.  I timed contractions from 3:30 until about 5, took a bath, timed them again until 6:30, and finally called the doctor at 7ish.  I was contracting every 5 minutes with them lasting about a minute long.  I thought it was time!  We took Blake to Joe's mom, and headed to the hospital.  I got hooked up to the monitors, and the nurse with the biggest hands in the county checked me.  I was still 3 cm, so we started walking.  We walked the halls for an hour and got hooked up again to the monitors.  I was contracting every 3 minutes and they were pretty strong.  Not strong enough though.  She-man checked me again, and I was still at 3 cm.  I got sent home with a prescription for sleeping pills.  Joe and I ran some errands, bought the last few things I wanted and got home about 3.  We were both asleep by 4, and slept until 9 a.m.  It was nice to rest that long, but I was super groggy yesterday.  

No real contractions yesterday, and nothing today to speak of.  I am crampy today though, and my pelvis is super sore.  I went on 2 long walks in hopes to encourage this little guy to move on out.  Since I was induced with Blake, I don't know how it starts, or what a natural contraction feels like.  Keep your fingers crossed that he comes sooner, rather than later!