I had been measuring big from early on, so we expected a big baby. At 36 weeks, Chase measured 7 lbs., but the doctor said he was closer to 8 1/2, so we scheduled induction. I was 3 cm dilated then, so we were both sure he would come before then.
The last few weeks were exhausting. I was so achy, tired, but couldn't sleep more than 4 hours at a time. I was just ready to be finished being pregnant.
We got to the hospital at 5:45 on Wednesday, Oct. 19, and waited. The nurses had it written down that I would be there at 7:30, so they waited until shift change to start anything. About 7 my nurse came in and tried to start the IV. After poking for 10 minutes, we switched hands and got it in right away. We started pitocin at 8, and the doctor came in about 8:30. She checked me and I was still 3 cm, 30% effaced, so it was a waiting game. Contractions started, very inconsistently, and at 1 the doctor came in to check me again and break my water. The contractions started picking up. By 2, I was ready for the epidural. Dr. Craig came in and gave me the epidural, and things were good to go by 2:35. I tried to rest, but Blake got to the hospital about 3:15, so no rest for me! I visited with Blake, but had to ask them all to leave at 4 because I was having super duper pressure, and needed a booster to the epidural. I got that and just hung out for a little. The pressure became stronger, and at about 5, the doctor came in to check me again. I was fully dilated and we did a practice push. My doctor asked me to wait for her to come back to push again since she had 2 other patients ready to deliver at the same time! We waited while they got every thing set up and at 5:15 she came back in. We did 3 sets of 3 pushes, and Chase was here! He weighed 7 lbs. 10.8 oz, and was measured 22" long. He was a lot smaller than we thought, but is absolutely perfect.
He is an exact copy of Blake at birth.


Things are going perfect, and I am really enjoying being home with my boys!
1 comment:
He is PERFECT!! I am so glad I got to meet him and snuggle him. :)
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