Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Good Feelin'

On Monday, I went to a new OB-GYN. She is young, cute and so sweet. Joe and I have been trying to get pregnant for over a year, and she is really optimistic that we will get pregnant soon. We are starting basic testing now. I had a lovely trans-vaginal ultrasound yesterday and the doctor called today to say my uterus and ovaries look perfect. One thing down. Many more to go. I am having bloodwork next Monday, Friday and then again in about 3 weeks.

I just broke down a bit ago. I found out on Facebook that my sister in law is pregnant with #3. She and her "boyfriend" have 2 kids 16 months apart. The oldest is 6 months younger than Blake and about 18 months delayed from his chronological age. He has about 30 words, no other functional speech. It's not a disability's parents and family who don't ever talk to him. They treat him like a little animal and don't interact with him. The youngest, same thing!

Anyway, I sat on my pity potty for a bit, and felt sorry for myself. Then I said to myself that God has a bigger plan for us. I just need to be patient. We need to be patient.

And the dog just farted. Whooo...that was ugly.

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