Sunday, October 3, 2010


Have you heard? I'm a runner. Yep, me! A runner! I officially started the Couch to 5K running program. I just finished week 2 day 1 and I feel great! Who knew that after 1 day of running (last week) I would be motivated to do it every day? Last week, I had to force myself a day off because I am so excited about running! Thanks to Fabuleslie, I am running! My first 5k is the day after my 32nd birthday. What a great way to start my uphill climb to 35.

This week's advice is to keep a journal of anything I want. So, here I am journaling about stuff.

We went to a wedding in Hunt, TX this weekend, and I drank too much. For some reason, I thought eating lunch and then 8 hours later drinking a whole bottle of wine and taking shots of 100% Agave Tequila was a good idea. It was fun, but whoa, I shouldn't drink like that. This morning our friends were telling me some of the amazing things I did and said in my drunken stupor. For example.....after leaving the door of the condo open, "Well, P--now you have 73 roaches under your bed. Yes, 73. I counted. I'm a kindergarten teacher and I practice counting to 100 every day and I'm real good at it." There were no roaches under the bed. We saw 1 water bug and P freaked out! Guess that's where I got that idea. Apparently when we left the reception, I yelled, "Hey! I didn't say goodbye to Heather", and ran over to her. I started to booty dance with her, grabbed the bottle of champagne out of her hand, and tipped it up and started chugging it. It wasn't until the fizz hit me that I stopped. I walked over to Joe and he wondered why I was wet. Well, duh--I stole champagne from the bride! Good times my friend!

Tonight it was cool and breezy. I went out to run a little later than normal, and it got dark on me pretty fast. I don't really like being outside after dark by myself, so I will just have to make sure I am out of the house earlier! I would really like to run in the mornings, but I already get up at 5 or so, and can't see getting up any earlier!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wooohoo!! So glad you are running too. I went today for the first time after my 5k which was 8 days ago. It was a pretty good run, and I went right after school around 4:30ish. Perfectly cool and comfy as far as the temp went, so you should be fine to go earlier while it's still light out. Go register for the team already!

P.S. you're right, you shouldn't drink like that. Unless you want a funny story for the blog.