Monday, January 18, 2010


This weekend, Blake did not nap. He seemed OK. Went to bed early-ish (for the weekend). Woke up early. Today we headed out about 11:45 for lunch and then to Wal-Mart. It was crazy! Blake was so exhausted that he melted down in Wal-Mart. He wanted a toy, which I usually don't let him choose one, but I told him he could get one. Everything he picked out was over ten bucks. Sorry kid. I tried the usual distractions, but nothing worked. Poor thing had hives around his eyes (like mommy) from crying. He was asleep within 3 minutes in the car. I got home and tried to just put him to bed, but he cried and cried that he wanted me to stay with him. I stayed for a few minutes and he passed out! I got the house cleaned while he was napping and now I am just relaxing until I have to get up to start dinner.

Tomorrow, I go back to work. I am certainly ready for a real work week and ready to get back into the swing of things with the kids. I was out of the room 3 days last week and the kids really suffered. Blake had pink eye on Monday, I tested kids on Tuesday, and then Blake had a dentist appointment on Wednesday. Thursday was rough on all of us at school, and Friday was a bit better. We'll see how it goes this week.

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