Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The final days

Today is my last Tuesday. That means my afternoon kids go home at 2:30 and I don't see them until August. Tomorrow my morning kids will leave me at 11. Its kinda bitter-sweet. I have spent so much time getting to know them, and I really do love them. One of my parents called yesterday and said they are moving, so his daughter will be in RRISD next year. This is the child who makes me the maddest, makes me cry, makes me laugh, makes me want to pull my hair out. You get the idea. But, she has grown and made such great progress this year. I can't believe she won't be here. Part of me did cart-wheels, part of me cried (for a minute).

My other 3 in the morning are going to the CRAZY Kinder Life Skills teacher. This lady is a nut and I am scared for my babies! I know they will do fine, but there is still that feeling of uncertainty.

But, I will get to spend tons of time with my favorite person in the whole, wide world--Blake! We are going to go to the park, zoo, children's museum, pool, bouncy house, anywhere we can go in a day! His personality has really blossomed and I can't believe what a person he is.

I will also try to blog more often this summer, with the hopes of being able to blog for my class parents next year. I found this great PPCD teacher in Austin who blogs EVERY SINGLE DAY! It really is the same format, but I am sure her parents love it!

1 comment:

Jennifer B. said...

Yes, you need to blog more. I know Blake will have fun this summer and you will need to post pictures.