Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday Fun

We made cupcakes yesterday. Between batches in the oven, I went to the restroom, and this is what I came back to. Stinker! His whole hand was sticky from cupcake batter!
Today we ventured out to Lowe's, and wouldn't you know they had Diego gardening gloves and trowels. Blake got one of each, and while I vacuumed the living room, he was outside digging up rocks. He, of course, saw me with the camera, and stopped. We came in to get a popsicle, and he sat in his favorite chair and watched a bit of Wall-E. Poor thing, his face gets just as red as mine in the heat!

This picture is him in this same chair in August of 06 at 5 months old!! He was so tiny! Not really, this is when he started getting chubby. I love it!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow, those red cheeks!