Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I already told you for 3 days

Blake has been saying the funniest things lately. I love it! I have been counting to get him to hurry and do what I want him to, and if he can reach my mouth, he covers it and say either, "Stop counting numbers", or "I already told you for 3 days to stop". It is hilarious! I have no clue where he got that from.

We went to Cabela's today. Blake loves that place!

I did something silly today. At Walmart, they had these cute little girl outfits on the clearance rack for $1. I bought 4. They are all in the size range of 0-6 months. I couldn't resist. I am not pregnant, and don't want to be for a few months, but really, one dollar? (I guess this is where I say we are going to start trying in August) The yellow one is a newborn size onesie, and the rest are little dresses with bloomers.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Wow! $1 at wallymart?!!?!? Can not beat that.